Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 


Est. 20 Concerts


Est. 100


I. Round: Vocal Pieces
1. Wake auf! Wake auf!
(Melody from the ‘Reutterliedlein’ 1535, movement Walter Rein)
2. Wenn wir hinausziehen
(Baldassare Donati, d.1603)
3. Es wollt ein Jaeger
(Ludwig Senfl 1492-1555)
4. Sie is mir lieb
(Mich. Practorius 1571-1623)
5. Schau ich ihr in die Augen
(Luca Marenzio 1550-1599)
6. Aufenthalt
(H. L. Hassler 1564-1612)
7. Ich armes Kauezlein



No. of

Photo: ©  ​​


June 11, 1950, The Star Press

Muncie, Indiana



Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 




Photos: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Tutor Arrives: At the start of a new school year, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp's (1880-1947) daughter Maria (1914-2014) was suffering from heart issues connected with contracting scarlet fever five years before. The issue caused her much fatigue and made it difficult to attend school full-time. In October, Georg inquired with the Ursuline High School to see if they had any qualified students to assist; the Director recommended 'Gustl' Maria Augusta Kutschera* (1905-1987), a fifth-grade teacher at the local Nonnberg Abbey ('Gustl' is short for Augusta). Gustl had recently graduated from the State Teacher's College of Progressive Education. Georg was grateful for the recommendation and agreed to hired Gustl; she came to Villa von Trapp as a live-in school tutor for his daughter Maria.

*Gustl was the basis for the "Maria" character in "The Sound of Music", which was inspired by Gustl's 1949 book, "The Story of The Trapp Family Singers".
1965 Hollywood Movie Version:

Similarities - When Gustl arrived at Villa von Trapp, the children did ranged in age from 5 to near 16.

Differences - In the movie, the widowed Baron Captain Georg von Trapp hired Gustl's character 'Maria' as a nanny for all of his children in 1936; in real life, 'Maria' was known as Gustl (short for her middle name Augusta) and came to Villa von Trapp as a school tutor for his 3rd daughter, Maria (12), ten years earlier in 1926.

​​​​Yacht Captain Request: After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.... After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.... After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire....Although busy with his Rhein-Donau-Express shipping company [see year 1921] and at home chicken-egg farm [see year 1925], Baron Captain Georg von Trapp accepted a request by Mr. Hankey (an American) to captain and sail Mr. Hankey’s yacht from Bremerhaven, Germany to Genoa, Italy.

1965 Hollywood Movie version:​ N/A - not mentioned in the movie


Chorale Manager/Logistics: Georg von Trapp 

Musicians: First Soprano: Agathe von Trapp & Johanna von Trapp; Second Soprano: Maria von Trapp & Martina von Trapp; Alto: Hedwig von Trapp & Maria Kutschera von Trapp; Tenor: Werner von Trapp; Bass: Rupert von Trapp
Musical Director:  Reverend Franz Wasner, also sang Bass and played the spinet

Type of Music: "Early Music" 16th-18th Century motets and masses, folk songs in over a dozen languages, ballads and a Capellas, songs with recorder, viola da gamba and spinet

US Concert Tour Manager: Charles L. Wagner of Charles Wagner Concert Agency, represented the family 1938-1940
 Alix B. Williamson 

 *It took some time to land on a name for the group. They had been called: Choir Concert by the Family von Trapp, Trapp Family Sings, Salzburg Chamber Choir Trapp, Chamber Choir Trapp, and Salzburg Trapp Choir. From 1940-1945, they continued as Trapp Family Singers.




Photo: ©

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

12th American Trancontenential, 2nd Europe &
8th Music Camp


Key Events




Partial Listing of Sources: 
"Memories Before & After The Sound of Music" by Agathe von Trapp"The World of The Trapp Family" by William Anderson and David WadeCorrespondence between Baron Captain Georg von Trapp and his brother-in-law Captain Robert Lutz, 
Memoirs by Johanna von Trapp, newspaper articles, and Wikipedia





Translation:       Radio program for Saturday.
11:30 AM: Women’s Hour – 12:00 noon: Star-singing. Volks songs, sung by the Trapp Family. Introductory words: Dr. Hanns Koren.

Key Events





Photo: ©


 Celebrating the von Trapp musicians who inspired the musical The Sound of Music 


  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: 1957 Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria, awarded to Maria Kutschera von Trapp to acknowledge the family's contributions.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: 1967 Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class, awarded to Maria Kutschera von Trapp to acknowledge the family's contributions.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: 1995 Record. Remastered Trapp Family Singer  CD - Sopranos: Agathe von Trapp, Johanna von Trapp; Mezzo-sopranos: Maria von Trapp, Martina von Trapp; Alto: Maria Kutschera von Trapp, Hedwig von Trapp; Tenor: Werner von Trapp; Basses: Rupert von Trapp, Franz Wasner; RCA Victor Records 09026-63205, Dec 16, 1938-Feb 5, 1940; CD / TT: 61:08; MP3 / TT: 59:43; Recorded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New York, New York, USA by RCA Victor. Remastered: 1995. Distribution: BMG Entertainment.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: 2007 Record. Jasmine JASCD-664, 1935-1956, 2-CD / TT: 152:56, MP3 / TT: 152:57, Compiled from the previous albums.  2-CD (2007)


Photo: ©  ​​

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

Key Events

Trapp Family Singers (1940-1956*) 

Key Events

Trapp Family Choir (1936-1940*) 


  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1944/1945 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1944/45: Europe - During the 1944/1945 touring season, Rupert von Trapp and Werner von Trapp were serving in the US Army stationed in Europe.
  • December 1944: New York, New York - Town Hall, 5th Christmas program
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • January 31, 1945: Richmond, Indiana, USA - Tivoli Theatre
  • Easter 1945: New York, New York, USA Town Hall
  • July - August 1945: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 2nd Trapp Family Music Camp. One year after opening, "By August 1945, the TFMC was firmly established as a national center for summer music education,"  for about 1,000 participates each summer. [Anderson 1998]



October 29, 1954

The News Chronicle




Summer, Camping in Istria & Dalmatia: The Italian WWI blacklist/ban within Istria and Dalmatia* for WWI Central Power military personal had finally been lifted after fourteen years [see year 1914 and year 1918]. After WWI and the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (on the Central Power side), the Empire's coastal territories were annexed to Italy (on the Allies side). Italy’s blacklist had previously prevented Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) from returning to his birth place in Dalmatia and his prior home & life with his 1st wife Agathe Whitehead** (1891-1922) in Istria [see years 1880 - 1922]. Georg took the opportunity with the lifting of the blacklist, to organize a sailing and camping trip for his family; this would help reunite his children with their past and to introduce his second wife, 'Gustl' Maria Augusta Kutschera (1905-1987), to his prior life. At the time his children with Agathe Whitehead ranged in age from

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

Photo: ©

January 22, 1947, Fredericksburg Standard

​Fredericksburg, Texas

  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE 1953/1954 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 29, 1953: Emmetsburg, Maryland, USA - DePaul Auditorium at St. Joseph College
  • November 2, 1953: Laurinburg, North Carolina, USA - High School Auditorium
  • November 3, 1953: Laurinburg, North Carolina, USA - Laurinburg Community Concert
  • November 24, 1953: Holland, Michigan, USA - Hope Chapel
  • December 3, 1953: Winona, Minnesota, USA - St. Mary’s College
  • December 4, 1953: Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA - Columbus High School Auditorium
  • November 30, 1953: Columbus, Indiana, USA - Camp Atterbury for military and civilian personnel
  • December 6, 1953: Seymour, Indiana, USA - Sports Arena
  • December 8, 1953: Elmira, New York, USA - Straight Hall
  • December 11 & 12, 1953: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAA - Academy of Music
  • December 14, 1953: Baltimore, Maryland, USA - College of Notre Dame
  • December 18, 1953: Elizabethville, Pennsylvania - Johnson Memorial Auditorium, Millersburg
  • December 1953 Canada Record Yuletide
  • December 1953 USA Record: Volume 2 Christmas with the Trapp Family Singers
  • December 20 & 21, 1953: New York, New York - Town Hall, 14th Christmas program, the event advertisement stated, “one of the best ensembles in the world”.
  • Historical Reference 1954: New non-family members join the Trapp Family Singers  - Virginia Farri as a singer, Barbara Stechow as Soprano, Peter La Manna as Tenor, and Alvaro Villa as Baritone.
  • April Easter Services 1954: Morrisville, Vermont - Holy Cross Church
  • July 19-Aug 26, 1954: Stowe, Vermont - 11th Trapp Family Music Camp
  • July 31, 1954: Middlebury, Vermont - Middlebury High School
  • Historical Reference, June 1954: Georg and Maria Kutschera von Trapp's daughter Eleonore von Trapp (b. 1931, ninth von Trapp child) married Hugh Campbell and she stopped touring with the Trapp Family Singers. Together they raised seven children.
  • 1954: Album - The Trapp Family Singers

8th American 

2nd Cuba Concerts,

4th Music Camp &

​2nd Yr Austrian Relief

Photo: ©



Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family



​​Salzburg Schools & Music: The von Trapp children were now all of school age, the girls enrolled into the Ursuline convent school and the boys the local public school. When his children were home, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) sang with his children, old navy songs & ballards accompanied by his guitar. He also taught his son Rupert (####-####) & daughter Maria (####-####) how to play the accordion, his daughter Agathe (####-####) the guitar and daughter Johanna (####-####) & Maria (####-####) the violin. Musical evenings were a daily occurrence practising marches and folk dances; Georg played first violin, Rupert or Maria played the accordion, Agathe accompanied with guitar, with later Johanna joining with second violin. This arrangement is called "The Schrammel Quartet" - a Viennes specialty.
1965 Hollywood Movie version:

Similarities - Georg did play the guitar. 

Differences - In the movie, Georg did not initially make music with his children; in real life, music was central to much of the time he spent with his children. He taught them songs and how to play musical instruments, as well as provided them with formal music lessons.

​​Captain's Whistle:Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) did use a captain's whistle to call his children, with each child having a different whistle sound.

1965 Hollywood Movie version:

Similarities - Georg did use a whistle to call his children; he learned the skill as a Navy Captain. 

Differences - However, the whistle was used for practicality & fun, the estate they lived on was quite large and the whistle was a convenient way of calling his children when needed. Unlike the movie, his children enjoyed having their own whistle sound and saw it as a sign of affection from their loving father, the Captain. 

Chicken-egg Farming: While still a Director for his Rhein-Donau-Express shipping company [see year 1921], Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) also embarked on chicken-egg farming, located on part of the Villa von Trapp property. He sold eggs to the local Salzburg hotels. It lasted for several years, ending when a chicken flu epidemic killed off most of the birds.

1965 Hollywood Movie version:​ N/A - not mentioned in the movie

Music in the Mountains: The summer of 1926, Prince Karl Auersperg (####-####) and wife Priness Eleonore von Breunner (####-####)(Agathe's Uncle & Aunt), with their children, arranged a three-week camping trip for his extended family in the "Die Nideren Tauern" Austrian mountain range. He invited Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) with his four eldest children, Frank Whitehead (####-####) (Agathe's brother) with his wife & son, Countess Johanna von Auersperg (####-####) (Agathe's cousin) with her husband, Count Rudolf Meran (####-####) & their children and the Auersperg's music teacher, Mr. Mastalier. Making music played an internal part to the camping itinerary, Georg played the violin, Karl the accordion, Mr. Mastalier the guitar and all the rest participated in song. This experience had a long last effect on the von Trapp child, who when they returned to Salzburg. As his eldest daughter Agathe wrote in her autobiography "... the music remained and became part of our repertoire. With Rupert on the accordion, Papa on the first violin, Maria on second violin and me on guitar. We made music whenever we could find time!" 
1965 Hollywood Movie version:​

Differences - Georg and his 1st wife Agathe Whitehead's family introduced music, musical training and group music making to all their seven children from small on. Their eldest daughter wrote in her autobiography, "In the play and film, it appears that our second mother was solely responsible for teaching us the joys of music. In reality, not only did we play instruments and sing with Papa in our house in Salzburg before we had even met our second mother, but we also sang very early in our lives at the [Zee am See house] during WWI, when Mama [Baroness Agathe Whitehead (1880-1922)], Gromi [Grandmother Countess Agathe von Bruenner (####-1945)] and the Aunts sang and played piano."

No. of

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

Spring 1935 - Musical Coach & Director

In Spring 1935 Reverend Dr. Franz Wasner (age 31) started coaching the von Trapp musicians on Saturdays, at their home in Aigen, Salzburg, Austria. The Reverand had studied ecclesiastical law and recently graduated (in November, 1934) with a doctorate in cannon law from Rome, Italy. During the week, he was the Assistant Director at Seminarium Majus, in Salzburg, where he taught Gregorian chant. Eventually he would become the family's full-time Musical Director.

 Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

  • November 1937: Paris, France - The family performed at the Paris World Fair, along with the Vienna Boys Choir. 
  • December 8, 1937: London, United Kingdom - BBC National Radio performance
  • December 1937: London, United KingdomBBC TV  performance
  • December 1937: London, United Kingdom - Concert for the Austrian Legation, attended by Queen Mary
  • December 15, 1937: The Hague, Netherlands - Theater Diligentia
  • 1937:  Brussels, Belgium
  • January 1938: Milan, Italy
  • January 1938: Turin, Italy
  • January 1938: Rome, Italy - Mussolini attended
  • January 1938: Rome, Italy - Audience with Pope Pius XI
  • January 1938: Rome, Italy - Radio Performance
  • January 1938: Assisi, Italy
  • January 1938: Peruga, Italy
  • January 1938: Florence, Italy
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE March 1938: Austria - Anschluss, Hitler's Army Marched into Austria
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1938: Austria - Georg refused to fly the Nazi flag on his house and he refused an offer to join their Navy. His eldest son Rupert turned down a medical position that was newly opened after a Jewish doctor was fired. The family also turned down an invitation to perform at Hitler's birthday party. Knowing their family was in danger by not cooperating, they collectively decided it was necessary to leave. The family was able to arrange an American concert tour, which allowed them to depart Europe, via Italy.


Est. 100

home for the next 13 years. Later, it has been immortalized as the backdrop to the beginning of the "The Sound of Music".  

Career Highlights:

  • 20+ years of performing 
  • 2,000+ performances in 30 countries (over 1,200 in US)
  • ​Popularized the recorder (an ancient instrument, block flute) in the United States
  • Sang in over a dozen languages​
  • Performed for world leaders, such as Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg (Austria), Queen Mary (UK), King Edward VIII (UK), Rome's Pope Pius XI, and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (US)

Photo: ©  ​​




Photo: ©  ​​

14th American 
​Trancontenential & 10th Music Camp





January 10, 1947​, Burlington Free Press

​Burlington, Vermont

TIMELINE: Professional Musicians (1936-1956)



January 4, 1935 / Advertising for January 5th Radio Program

Illustrierte Kronen Zeitung / Illustrated King Magezine

 Rupert (20), Agathe (19), Maria (17), Werner (16), Hedwig (15),  Johanna (12) and Martina (11). His two daughters with Gustl were too young for the trip and stayed in Aigen, Illi (3) and Lorli (1). Georg charted the cargo vessel  'Archimede' and travelled around Istria, Dalmatia (stopping in Zadar, Georg's birth place - see Winter 1932) & Bocche de Cattaro. Georg also took the time to give sailing and kayaking instructing to his children; he envisioned practising to one day ​take his family on an around-the-world sailing trip.​ The family also played music together throughout their vacation.
*Prior to WWI, Istria and Dalmatia were areas within the Austro-Hungarian Empire's territories. After WWI, it was annexed to Italy. After WWII, it was incorporated into a new country Yugoslavia. After the fall of the communism, the areas became part of the new country of Croatia.

**Agathe Whitehead had passed away in 1922 after complications with scarlet fever, contracted by caring for her sick children.​
1965 Hollywood Movie Version: N/A not mentioned in the movie

Photo: ©  ​​

Photo: ©  ​​

April, 1936 - Radio Vienna Program Guide

No. of

Lotte Lehmann

German/Austrian Opera Singer

Key Events

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1949/1950 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 1949: Published Book - Story of the Trapp Family Singers written by Maria Augusta Kutschera von Trapp.
  • October Announced/ November Awarded 1949: Benemerenti Medal - Pope Pius XII recognized the Trapp Family Austrian Relief, Inc.'s  for its efforts to help with post-WWWII Austria. Maria Kutschera von Trapp received the award on behalf of the family.
  • December 1949: New York, New York - Town Hall, 10th Christmas program
  • April, May, and June 1950: Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Caribbean Islands, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia - Teartro Colon  in Bueno Aires, Argentina. 3 month, 61 concerts to 11 Latin American countries.
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
  • July-August 1950: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 7th Trapp Family Music Camp


Key Events





  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1942/1943 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1942/43: Europe - During the 1943/1944 touring season, Rupert von Trapp and Werner von Trapp were serving in the US Army stationed in Europe.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE November 1943: Life Magazine- Article features the Trapp Family Singers 
  • 1943: Ohio, USA
  • 1943: Canada Tour
  • 1943: Nebraska, USA
  • 1943: Oklahoma, USA
  • 1943: Wichita, Kansas, USA [Unconfirmed]
  • December 1943: New York, New York, USA Town Hall, 4th Christmas program
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1944: Georg and Maria Kutschera von Trapp's daughters, Rosmarie and Eleonore join the Trapp Family Singers  full-time. They had debuted in 1941 with a recorder solo.
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • July - August 1944: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 1st Trapp Family Music Camp. The family renovated the Civilian Conservations Grounds near their home. Rupert and Werner were at war and heard about the progress through letters. The 10-day "Sing Weeks" invited the public to "the rare pleasures of family music-making in their own home," including European folk dancing. 

Photo: ©


1st American East Coast & Mid-west /

1st Scandinavia

Photo: ©

Photo ©





Key Events

No. of







Est. 100

Est. 100



3rd American 




Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 









1943, Trapp Family Singers

 Johanna, Eleonore, Hedwig, Agathe, Rupert, Johannes, Maira Augusta, Georg, Werner, Martina, Rosmarie, and Maria (Musical Director Monsignor Wasner not pictured)

  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE 1955/1956 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • August 18 & 20, 1955: Sydney, Australia Conservatorium of Music
  • August 22, 1955: Sydney, Australia - Parramatta Town Hall
  • August 23, 1955: Sydney, Australia Mosman Town Hall
  • August 24, 1955: Sydney, Australia - Assembly Hall
  • September 1955: Record - Columbia 1-p Trapp Family Singers Record Australia
  • September 19, 20, 21 & 23, 1955: Melbourne, Australia -  Melba Hall
  • October 6, 7 & 8, 1955: Melbourne, Australia - Melba Hall
  • October 27 & 28, 1955: Melbourne, Australia - Town Hall
  • October 30, 1955: Melbourne, Australia St. Patrick’s Cathedral, sang Mass, Archbishop Mannix present
  • November 1, 4 & 5 (5th 2x Matinee & Evening) Sydney, Australia Town Hall
  • November 1955: Benefit concert for the St. Williams Church
  • December 1955: Records - Christmas With the Trapp Family Singers (1-p)
  • December 12, 1955: Monroeville, Ohio Norwalk High School Auditorium 
  • Dec. 15, 17 & 18,1955: New York, New York - Last Town Hall Farewell Concert
  • December 26, 1955: Stowe VermontStowe Memorial Building  to benefit Stowe Library  and Catholic Women’s Club
  • January 26, 1956: Concord, New Hampshire - Last performance after over twenty years of performing. 
  • Summer 1956: 12th and final Trapp Family Music Camp
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded, Maria Kutschera von Trapp, spent two years as a lay missionary in the South Pacific. She then returned to Stowe, Vermont, where she managed the family's Trapp Family Lodge  for several decades.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Monseigneur Franz Wagner, did missionary work on the Fijian Islands until 1966. He then he spent fifteen years in Rome as the rector of the "Collegio Santa Maria dell'Anima" (the domicile of German-speaking theology students in Rome).
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Agathe von Trapp establishes a kindergarten with a life-long friend.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Werner von Trapp taught music for three years in Pennsylvania then founded his own Dairy Farm in Vermont.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Hedwig von Trapp moved to Hawaii; she started a youth a choir and taught handicrafts, carpentry, and cooking at a Catholic Youth Center
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Maria von Trapp spent thirty years in Papua New Guinea as a lay missionary. She also adopted a son.
  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE: With touring concluded Johannes von Trapp studied history and biology at Dartmouth College and served in the US National Guard.  He later received a Masters Degree in Foresty Science from Yale. He owns and operates the Trapp Family Lodge  in Stowe, Vermont.

No. of

June 11, 1950, The Star Press

Muncie, Indiana


Key Events

 10th American 
6th Music Camp & 4th Yr Austrian Relief



Key Events





Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 


​1955, Australia

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

4th American 


Est. 100

February, 17, 1946, Detroit Free Press

Detroit, Michigan

1st American


Photo: Public Domain

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1952/1953 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.​
  • September 7, 1952: Auriesville Shrine, New York, USA - Coliseum
  • October 24, 1952: Hartford, Connecticut, USA - Bushnell Memorial Hall
  • October 30, 1952: Portsmouth, Rhode Island, USA - Portsmouth Priory
  • November 10, 1952: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Mount Mercy College in the Antonian Hall
  • November 14, 1952: Danville, Kentucky, USA - Centre College, Alumni Memorial Gymnasium-Auditorium
  • November 21, 1952: Louisville, Kentucky, USA - Second Presbyterian Church (1,000 attended)
  • December 4, 1952: Carlton, New Jersey, USA - Carlton Theater, Red Bank
  • December 9, 1952: Troy, New York, USA - Russell Sage College, Music Hall 
  • December 12, 1952: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Academy of Music
  • December 18, 1952: St. James, New Jersey, USA - Asbury Park
  • December 8, 1952: Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - Poughkeepsie High School Auditorium
  • December 16, 1952:  Baltimore, Maryland, USA - Peabidy Conservatory
  • December 20 & 21, 1952: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 13th Christmas program
  • January 25, 1953: St. Albans, New York, USA - March of Dimes Polio benefit concert
  • January 30, 1953: New York, New York, USA - Hunter College to benefit Portsmouth Priory (RI)
  • February 1953: New York, New York, USA - Hunter College benefit concert for Portsmouth Priory (RI)
  • March 28, 1953: Burlington, Vermont, USA - Easter program for the Moscow Sunday School
  • April 5, 1953: Stowe, Vermont, USA - Easter service for the Blessed Sacrament Church
  • April 16, 1953: Hazleton, Pennsylvania, USA - Hazleton Senior High School
  • April 22, 1953: Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA - Washington Junior High School Auditorium
  • April 22, 1953: Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
  • April 25/26, 1953: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 
  • April 26, 1953: Mitchell, South Dakota, USA - Sioux Falls Catholic Diocese
  • May 18,19 & 20, 1953: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Civic Auditorium, benefit concert for University of Hawaii
  • May 1953: Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Honolulu, USA
  • May 28, 1953: Hale Mohalu, Hawaii, USA - Hansen Hospital
  • June 3, 1953: San Francisco, California, USA - Veteran’s Auditorium, Georg and Maria Augusta's son, Johannes von Trapp at age 13, is full-fledge member of Trapp Family Singers.
  • July 26, 1953: Manchester, Vermont, USA - Elementary School Gymnasium
  • December 1953: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - joined the Philadelphia Orchestra, directed by Eugene Oenandt
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • July-August 1952: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 10th Trapp Family Music Camp



Photo: AP



1932 - Veruda, Istria (today Croatia), Baron Captain Georg von Trapp

with his children and nephew & nieces

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 


FAMILY TIMELINE: 2,000+ Concerts

Photo: ©  ​​


Key Events

February 27, 1951, The News-Review

Rodeburg, Oregon

 December 3, 1953 , Marshfield News Herald

Marshfield, Wisconsin

June 21, 1946, The Catholic Advance

Wichita, Kansas

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1950/1951 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • August 1950: Europe - Trapp Family Singers  performed three times during the Salzburg Festival, in addition to performing throughout Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Wales, and England.
  • December 1950: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 11th Christmas program and broadcast on the radio
  • Early 1951: United States West Coast tour
  • Historical Reference February 25, 1951: Georg and Agathe's daughter, Martina von Trapp (1921-1951, seventh child, fifth daughter) tragically she and her daughter both died during childbirth, eight days before her 30th birthday. 
  • 1951: Record - At Home with the Trapp Family Singers Chorale 
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • July-August 1951: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 8th Trapp Family Music Camp

Key Events

February 6, 1946, Press and Sun-Bulletin

Binghamtom, New York

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 


  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1941/1942 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • August 1941: Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  • September 1941: New York, New York, USA New York College
  • 1941: Michigan, USA
  • 1941: Kanas, USA
  • 1941: California, USA
  • 1941: Santa Barbara, California, USA - The family visits German/Austria opera singer and friend, Lotte Lehman at her home.
  • 1941: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • 1941: Denver, ColoradoUSA
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1941: Georg von Trapp, Maria Kutschera von Trapp, Agathe von Trapp, Maria von Trapp, Hedwig von Trapp, Johanna von Trapp and Martina von Trapp apply for their US citizenship.
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBB
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • December 1941: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 2nd Christmas program, 3 Concerts. Rosmarie and Eleonore have their recorder performance debut and in 1944, they became full-time chorale members.
  • March 1942: West Branch, Iowa - impromptu concert at Scattergood Hostel  for European Refugees
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1942: Stowe, Vermont - The family purchased their first American home and farm. 
  • 1942 USA Release: Trapp Family Singers Album -  10" 78 rpm record. Sopranos: Agathe von Trapp, Johanna von Trapp; Mezzo-sopranos: Maria von Trapp, Martina von Trapp; Altos: Maria Kutschera von Trapp, Hedwig von Trapp; Tenor: Werner von Trapp; Basses: Rupert von Trapp, Franz Wasner -  Victor 2184, BWV 93: Oct 17, 1939, BWV 608: June 26, 1941 


Photo: Courtesy of Austrian National Library

Artist Life, Published by Columbia Artists Management Inc.

November 1948 Volume 3


Photo: ©


No. of


Est. 100






Circa 1938, Trapp Family Choir

Back  left to right: Johanna, Agathe, Rev. Wasner, Rupert, Martina, Werner, and Hedwig

Front left to right: Maria Augusta and Maria 

January 30, 1944, The Philadelphia Inquirer

Note Correction: 'Rosemary' correct spelling is Rosmarie

and 'Eleanor' correct spelling is Eleonore



Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

1925-1938, Villa von Trapp, Aigen, Salzburg, Austria

1955, Australia



Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

Est. 10-15 Concerts



Remembering 1934-1956

Did you or someone you know hear in concert the Trapp Family Choir  (1934-1940) and Trapp Family Singers  (1940-1956)? Or attend the Trapp Family Music Camp  in Vermont? We'd like to hear from you!

  • January 22, 1936: Vienna, Austria - Urania Theater. In the audience were family and friends, including their grandmother, Countess Agathe von Breunner Whitehead.
  • Early 1936: Vienna, Austria - Small Hall, Vienna's Musikverein, (home to the Vienna Philharmonic). On the same day in the 'Large Hall' performed famed African-American singer Marian Anderson.
  • February 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Benefit concert for the Salzburg Parsch Kindergarten, hosted by Baron Clemens Preuschen.
  • February 14, 1936: Moedling, Vienna, Austria - Georg lectured on his WWI memoir at the Bundesreal High School.
  • February 16, 1936: Vienna, Austria - Vienna Hotel Stadt  in Baden by Vienna
  • February 18, 1936: Vienna, Austria - Urania, Big hall
  • March 15, 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Radio Performance of Trapp Family Folk Songs on Sing Hour
  • March 15, 1936: Vienna, Austria - Georg gave a radio interview on the program, Historic Book Hour.
  • April 5, 1936 - Salzburg, Austria - Trapp musicians on radio for the Light Sunday Program, performance at the Mozarteum
  • April 21, 1936: Salzburg, Austria -  Radio Vienna, Trapp musicians live broadcast to Vienna radio station (see side photo)
  • May - December 1936: Austria and Germany - Georg continued to lecture on his WWI memoir.
  • November 30, 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Trapp musicians on Radio Vienna, live broadcast to Vienna radio station.
  • December 2, 1936: Vienna, Austria - Musikverein, Small salon 
  • December 6, 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Mozarteum
  • December 16, 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Rev. Wasner conducted the Salzburg Theological Choir  at St. Peters Church, with a lecture by Dr. Dillersberg.
  • December 27, 1936: Salzburg, Austria - Trapp musicians sing Christmas songs at the DOM Cathedral.
  • December 1936: Vienna, Austria - Benefit concert for the Archbishop at the University Association  in Vienna Hall.
  • March 16-17, 1937: Berlin, Germany 
  • March 1937: Salzburg, Austria  - Trapp musicians on Radio Vienna  broadcast of Italian and English madrigals. 
  • May 15, 1937: Munich, Germany - Radio Performance
  • August 21, 1937: Salzburg, Austria - Wiener Saal Music Hall, Salzburg Mozarteum. The family rented out and performed at the Mozarteum Acedemy of Music. Following this concert, agents from all over Europe and America invited them to tour.
  • Autumn, 1937: Salzburg, Austria - Trapp musicians added ancient instruments recorders, viola gamba, and spinet to their musical repertoire which already included a string quartet, piano, and singing.


 Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Summer through Winter, 1935 - Radio & Austrian Chancellor Performances

  • June 9, 1935: Salzburg, Austria -  Salzburg Radio
  • September 1935: Salzburg, Austria - Radio Performance live broadcasting from Salzburg to Vienna radio station
  • December 6, 1935: Vienna, Austria - Radio Performance live broadcasting from Vienna station
  • December 15-22, 1935: Vienna, Austria - Georg von Trapp: guest lecturer at Austrian Publishing Companies' 1935 Christmas Book Show of at Messepalast Convention Center
  • December 21,1935: Vienna, Austria - Belvedere Palace performance for Austrian Chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg, at a formal government reception with several other performing groups, including the Vienna Boys Choir






December 1953, Decca Records

*In 1938, as political refugees, the family was forced to abandon their home and belongs to seek asylum in the U.S.A. After WWII, when the family received their house back during reparations, they sold it to an Order of monks. In 2008, it was leased and opened as a hotel. In the movie, ‘Villa von Trapp’ was filmed at Schloss Frohnburg, a 17th century country house, now the Mozarteum Music Academy.
**Baron Captain Georg Riiter (Knight) von Trapp was elevated to Baron from Knight with his 1918 'Maria Theresa Military Order', awarded during WWI by the Austro-Hungarian Imperial & Royal War Navy; he was officially granted his title in 1924, when he submitted the proper paperwork and application. This entitled him, his wife and his descendants to carry the title Baron and Baroness.

1965 Hollywood Movie version:

Similarities- Baron Captain Georg von Trapp was a widowed, WWI Navy hero with seven children, living near Salzburg, Austria.

Differences - In the movie, his children's name's were changed, as well as the birth order of his first two children; in the movie, the eldest is Liesl von Trapp (real name Agathe von Trapp & actually the second child, eldest daughter), Friedruich von Trapp (real name Rupert von Trapp & first child, eldest son), Lousia von Trapp (Maria von Trapp), Kurt von Trapp (Werner von Trapp), Brigitta von Trapp (Hedwig von Trapp), Marta von Trapp (Johanna von Trapp) and Gretl von Trapp (Martina von Trapp). Also, a key difference was Georg's portrayal as stiff, distant and strict; in reality, his children all describe him as loving, humorous, their 'rock' in the family and highly engaged & interested in his children's lives.



Est. 50 Concerts

Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family​





Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family

Photo: ©



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© 2015-2024 Stichting Georg & Agathe Foundation, parent nonprofit to All rights reserved.

Netherlands KvK-nummer 63503336 | Terms of use and disclaimer







Key Events

Key Events

​​​​​​​​​Salzburg Home - Villa von Trapp: Three years after his first wife, Baroness Agathe Whitehead (1891-1922), passed away from scarlet fever, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947)** purchased a home for his family in Aigen (a small suburb of Salzburg, Austria). At the time, the von Trapp children were Baron Rupert Ritter (Knight) von Trapp (15), Baroness Agathe von Trapp (13), Baroness Maria von Trapp (12), Baron Werner Ritter (Knight) von Trapp (11), Baroness Hedwig von Trapp (9), Baroness Johanna von Trapp (7) and Baroness Martina von Trapp (5).  The Aigen house was built in 1863 by the Friulian Architect Valentin Ceconi and later enlarged by an owner, Salzburg’s governor Count Hugo Lamberg. When Georg bought it, he again remodeled it to suit his family's needs. Villa von Trapp came to be their family

December 6, 1935, Vienna, Austria Radio Announcement

Key Events

Photo: ©  ​​




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Photo: ©

Est. 100





Trapp Family Recorder Manual

Magnamusic Distribution 1954




Key Events

Photo: ©  ​​


Photo: Courtesy of

November 27, 1942, The Circleville Herald

Circleville, Ohio

Early 1935 - Austrian Radio

  • January 5, 1935: Salzburg, Austria Star Singer Hour - Folksongs live in Salzburg, broadcast to Vienna radio station, introduced by Dr. Hans Koren
  • May 12, 1935: Salzburg, Austria - Salzburg Radio
  • May 30, 1935: Georg von Trapp gave a radio Interview about his soon-to-be-released WWI memoir "Memories of and Austrian U-Boat Commander". Georg's WWI notoriety garnered additional opportunities for the newly-formed family singing group.

​Trapp Family Music Camp

​Left to right: Maria von Trapp, camp attendee, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp and Werner von Trapp

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

No. of






Photo: ©

9th American 

5th Music Camp &
3rd Yr Austrian Relief

January 10, 1947, Burlington Free Press

​Burlington, Vermont

Note Correction: 'Salisburg'  in the title should be Salzburg

6th American 
​Trancontenential & 2nd Music Camp


Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family




II. Round: Vocal Pieces with Instruments
8. Es geht eine dunkle Wolk’ herein
(Time of the 30 Years War, movement von Goetsch)
9. So wuensch ich ihr eine gute Nacht
(Melody from H. Newsiedler’s ‘Lautenbuch’ 1536, movement H. Kickstat)
10. Lasst uns das Kindlein wiegen
 (Old Christmas song from the county of Glatz, Movement F. Wasner)
11. Bist einmal kommen
 (Old Christmas song from Salzburg, movement Franz Wasner)

From 1934-1956 the von Trapp family sang in over 2,000 performances, in venues ranging from high school auditoriums to iconic concert halls, bringing joy and comfort to over 3 million people throughout 30 countries. In their day they were a famous household name within the United State and Europe, becoming known as "the most booked attraction in US history".

FREE: Updates and history trivia

Est. 100


Est. 40 US Concerts & est. 56 Europe Concerts​

2nd Half of

European Tour 


​​​​​​​​​Salzburg Home - Villa von Trapp: Three years after his first wife, Baroness Agathe Whitehead (1891-1922), passed away from scarlet fever, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947)** purchased a home for his family in Aigen (a small suburb of Salzburg, Austria). At the time, the von Trapp children were Baron Rupert Ritter (Knight) von Trapp (15), Baroness Agathe von Trapp (13), Baroness Maria von Trapp (12), Baron Werner Ritter (Knight) von Trapp (11), Baroness Hedwig von Trapp (9), Baroness Johanna von Trapp (7) and Baroness Martina von Trapp (5).  The Aigen house was built in 1863 by the Friulian Architect Valentin Ceconi and later enlarged by an owner, Salzburg’s governor Count Hugo Lamberg. When Georg bought it, he again remodeled it to suit his family's needs. Villa von Trapp came to be their family



7th Transcontinental,

1st Western Canada, 1st Cuba Concerts 

3rd Music Camp &

1st Yr Austrian Relief

No. of


Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 




Est. 100

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1947/1948 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE September 17, 1947: Georg and Agathe's son, Rupert von Trapp (1911-1947, 1st child, 1st son) married Henriette Lajoie. Rupert had already stopped touring to complete his American medical degree a few years earlier and started his own medical practice. He and Henriette settled in Rhode Island where they raised their six children. After many years Henriette and Rupert divorced and he married Janice Tyre.
  • December 1948: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 8th Christmas program
  • Feb 25, 1948: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA - Recital Series at University of Miami
  • Spring 1948: Corsicana, Texas, USA
  • Historical Reference, March 29, 1948: Georg and Agathe's daughter, Johanna von Trapp (1919-1994, sixth child, fourth daughter) stopped touring when she married Ernst Florian Winter. Together they raised seven children. 
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE May 1948: The von Trapp family became US citizenship.  (Rupert and Werner had previously become citizenship through their service with the US Army.)
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • July-August 1948: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 5th Trapp Family Music Camp



1937 - Added recorders

to repertoire

No. of

1st Half of European Tour



 ​16th American Trancontenential, (No Music Camp) 


Werner & Eleonore von Trapp




Est. 60 concerts


  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1942/1943 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • 1942: West Coast, USA, Tour
  • 1942: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA [unconfirmed]
  • December 1942: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 3rd Christmas program.
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
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  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1943: On March 9, 1943, Rupert and Werner von Trapp reported to Camp Hale to serve in the Tenth Mountain Division  as ski troopers in the US Army. They were stationed in Italy. Rupert was a medic and Werner a trooper at Mount Belvedere. Upon service, both became US citizens. Rupert pursued his American medical degree and Werner resumed touring.
  • Summer 1943: Meridian Hill Park, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1939/1940 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  US Tour Manager was Charles Wagner and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 7-10, 1939: Ellis Island, New York, USA - The family was detained for three days during the immigration and visa process. On October 10th they gave a performance for the other Ellis Island detainees.
  • October 15-16-17, 1939: New York, New York, USA RCA Victor Records, 2nd professional recording session, recorded 24 songs. Later, Conductor Robert Shaw would call the family musicians, "the greatest chorale group in the history of recorded sound".
  • October 17, 1939: Radio
  • October 21, 1939: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall
  • October 24 or 31, 1939: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
  • November 2, 1939: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 
  • November 3, 1939: Westminster, Pennsylvania, USA - Western Maryland College, Alumni Hall
  • November 5, 1939: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • November 6, 1939: Brooklyn, New York, USA - Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences - Brooklyn Academy of Music
  • November 7, 1939: Rochester, New York, USA
  • November 9, 1939: Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
  • November 10, 1939: Middlebury, Vermont, USA - Middlebury College
  • November 15, 1939: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
  • November 24, 1939: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • 1939: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA 
  • November 27, 1939: Elmhurst, Illinois, USA
  • 1939: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
  • 1939: Hartsville, North Caroline, USA
  • 1939: Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  • 1939: Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
  • 1939: Alabama, USA
  • 1939: Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
  • 1939: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
  • 1939: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • 1939: Andover, Massachusetts, USA
  • December 10, 1939: Detroit, Michigan, USA Fisher Theater
  • December 16, 1939: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA
  • December 18, 1939: Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA - Reformed Church Ushers’ Association of Hatfield, Souderton High School
  • December 23, 1939: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Academy of Music
  • January 20, 1940: Plainfield, New Jersey, USA 
  • February 5, 20 & 21, 1940: New York, New York, USA RCA Victor Records, 3rd professional recording session, recorded 19 songs. Later, Conductor Robert Shaw would call the family musicians, "the greatest chorale group in the history of recorded sound".
  • February 1940: New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
  • February 15, 1940: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Swarthmore College
  • April 23, 1940: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA University Museum



13th American 
​Trancontenential & 9th Music Camp

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1946/1947 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 14, 1946: Detroit, Michigan, USA - Masonic Auditorium
  • Autumn 1946: San Francisco [Unconfirmed]
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • November 13, 1946: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Technical High School
  • November 21, 1946: Louisville, Kentucky, USA - Memorial Auditorium
  • November 21, 1946: Radio interview WHAS - Matinee with Metz
  • November 30, 1946: Detroit, Michigan, USA - Masonic Auditorium
  • November 23, 1946: Chicago, Illinois, USA - Orchestra Hall
  • 1946: Roseburg, Oregon
  • December 4, 1946: Rutland, Vermont, USA - Rutland Community concert at the Congregational Church
  • December 8, 1946: Nashua, New Hampshire, USA - Lowell Auditorium
  • December 1946: New York, New York - Town Hall, 7th Christmas program
  • December 23, 1946: Burlington, Vermont, USAMemorial Auditorium, Degoesbriand Wing Fund
  • December 1946: New York, New York, USA - Through donating their 1946 concert souvenir sales the von Trapp family was able to send 100 food packages through CARE (Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe).  This provided 3,000 meals in war-torn Austria.
  • January 1947:Incorporated Trapp Family Austrian Relief, Inc. Although the family's relief efforts began right after WWI, they officially incorporated the Trapp Family Austrian Relief Inc. in 1947. Founded by Georg von Trapp, as First Chair and Maria Augusta von Trapp as Second Chair, Johanna von Trapp as Secretary and Rev. Franz Wasner as Treasurer. The family raised money for food and sent care packages with clothing, to struggling post-WWII Austria. The efforts were also in response to a plea for help that came in a letter from American Major General Harry J. Collins, of the 42nd Rainbow Division. He was stationed in Austria and described "acute shortages, hunger, and general broken-down conditions". By 1950 the family had shipped over 275,000 pounds of material to Austria. They heard news back from the Salzburg and Vienna distribution centers that their efforts often meant the difference between life and death for the recipients. The family was honored with several awards in recognition of their advocacy and charitable efforts. 
  • February 5, 1947: Newport News, Virginia, USA - W & M Series
  • February 12, 1947: Clearwater, Florida, USA
  • February 13, 1947: Miami, Florida, USA - Barry College
  • February 14-16, 1947: Miami, Florida, USA
  • February 17-19, 1947: Havana, Cuba
  • February 20-27, 1947: Miami, Florida, USA
  • February 28 - March 2, 1947: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
  • March 3, 1947: New Iberia, Louisiana, USA
  • March 4, 1947: Houston, Texas, USA
  • March 5, 1947: Galveston, Texas, USA
  • March 6, 1947: San Antonio, Texas, USA
  • March 7, 1947: Abilene, Texas, USA
  • March 8, 1947: Lubbock, Texas, USA
  • March 9-11, 1947: Tucumcari, New Mexico, USA
  • March 12, 1947: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
  • March 13, 1947: Flag Staff, Arizona, USA
  • March 14, 1947: Tucson, Arizona, USATucson Town Hall
  • 1947: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • 1947: San Gabriel, California, USAThomas Concert
  • 1947: Ventura, California, USA
  • 1947: Bakersfield, California, USA
  • March 25, 1947: Oakland, California, USA - Artist Series, Oakland Forum
  • 1947: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • April 1947: Reno, Nevada, USA - Community Concert Series
  • 1947: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA
  • May 14, 1947: Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA
  • Historical Reference, May 30, 1947: Stowe, Vermont, USA - The 1946/1947 season was Baron Caption Georg von Trapp's last tour with the Trapp Family Singers  tour, as he passed away on May 30, 1947, surrounded by his loving family. 
  • July-August 1947: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 4th Trapp Family Music Camp

November 19, 1942, Hartford Courant

Hartford, Connecticut

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1934 - Lotte Lehmann's Encouragement

By 1934 the von Trapp family had lost a large part of their wealth due to a global depression and a banking failure. Their fortune had consisted of monies inherited from the children's great-grandfather, Robert Whitehead, (from his invention of the torpedo) and the other half from Georg's successful decade-long shipping businesses on the Rhein-Danue Rivers (1919-1930). To stabilize their financial situation Georg worked on several endeavors including writing his WWI memoir, lecturing, and exploring some engineering ideas. As a result, the family was able to stay at their home in Aigen, near Salzburg, Austria, but they took on boarders to help cover expenses. In the summer of 1934 the famous German/Austrian opera singer, Lotte Lehmann, visited Villa Trapp and the family entertained her with their music. She was so impressed and touched by the family's performance that she told them, "You have gold in your throats. You are not allowed to keep this for yourselves, you have to share your voice with people. This is something so beautiful, they will go home with filled souls.". Georg later recalled, "We were astonished when she seemed seriously interested. She told us we were great artists whose the world should hear. I thought she was joking." [October 23, 1942 The Gallup Independent, New Mexico]. It was Lotte who encouraged them to enter a local Folk Singing Competition. 


11th American 

7th Music Camp,

​1st South America

​5th/Final Yr Austrian Relief



 December 1938, Town Hall Advertisement

New York, New York, U.S.A.

​Washington D.C. News 1942, “No concert can touch the Trapps for that combination of dignity, friendliness, informality and magnificent music.” 



December 21, 1941,

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle




Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 



No. of

Prior to 1934 - Music As A Pastime

The von Trapps came from a long musical tradition. Baron Captain Georg von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp (the parents to the first seven von Trapp children) played several instruments and made music a part of their family's daily life. Their children also had formal musical training starting at a young age. In 1922 Agathe passed away of Scarlet Fever. As the children grew older Georg personally taught Rupert and Maria the accordion, Agathe the guitar, and Johanna the violin. From instructors, Martina and Hedwig learned the piano and Werner learned the cello and clarinet. Together they formed a small family Quartet consisting of Georg as first violin, Johanna as second violin, Rupert or Maria on accordion, and Agathe on guitar. The family loved making music together and did so regularly. In 1927 he married his second wife Maria Augusta Kutschera. In her youth she had received musical training as part of the Austrian youth group the Neuland. By 1931 two more children were born into the family. The expanding family continued the tradition of making music together, singing at Mass and regularly entertaining guests, friends, and extended family with song.


1925-1938, Villa von Trapp, Aigen, Salzburg, Austria

Photo: ©

1927 - Wedding of Baron Captain Georg von Trapp &

Baroness 'Gustl' Maria Augusta Kutschera

 Photo: ©  ​​





Photo: ©  

March 11, 1939The Winnipeg Tribune

​Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Two Corrections: 1.) The family did not live in a "Castle"; they had lived in large house, known as Villa Trapp. They settled in Salzburg in 1925 2.) Salzburg is not in the Austrian area of "Tyrol".


Key Events

May 15, 1953, Oakland Tribune

Oakland, California


Last American Tour &
1st Australia, New Zealand​, Fiji Tour

12th Final Music Camp

Est. 100

Post Script

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1948/1949 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE September 8, 1948: Georg & Agathe's daughter, Martina von Trapp (1921-1951, seventh child, fifth daughter) married Jean Dupire. She continued to tour with Trapp Family Singers. 
  • November 15, 1948: Syracuse, New York, USA
  • November 17, 1948: Wheeling, West Virginia, USA
  • November 18, 1948: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • November 19, 1948: Menomonie, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 20, 1948: La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 21, 1948: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 22, 1948: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 23, 1948: La Grange, Illinois, USA
  • November 24, 1948: Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 25, 1948: Wausau, Wisconsin, USA
  • November 28, 1948: Rockford, Illinois, USA
  • November 29-30, 1948: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • December 1-2, 1948: Stanton, Michigan, USA
  • December 3-6, 1948: Toledo, Ohio, USA
  • December 7, 1948: Adrian, Michigan, USA
  • December 8, 1948: Niles, Michigan, USA
  • December 9, 1948: Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
  • December 10, 1948: Elkhart, Indiana, USA
  • December 11, 1948: Rochelle, Illinois, USA
  • December 12, 1948: Jacksonville, Illinois, USA
  • December 13, 1948: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • December 14, 1948: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  • December 16, 1948: Louisville, Kentucky, USA - Georg and Maria Augusta's son, Johannes von Trapp at nine years old, had his Soprano debut, along with first non-family musician, Donald Mesissner, as Tenor (1948 /1949 tour). Johannes joined the group full time in 1953. 
  • December 18 & 19, 1948: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 9th Christmas program
  • December 20 & 21, 1948: New York, New York, USA
  • December 22, 1948: Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA
  • December 23, 1948: Bridgeton, New Jersey, USA
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE December 27, 1948: Georg and Agathe's son, Werner von Trapp (1915-2007, fourth child, second son) married Erika Klambauer. Werner kept touring with the Trapp Family Singers until 1956. Together Werner and Erika had six children.
  • December 28, 1948: Norwood, Massachusetts, USA
  • December 29, 1948: Stoneham, Massachusetts, USA
  • Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD
    Concert Location: TBD

  • July -August 1949: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 6th Trapp Family Music Camp

Key Events


Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 


2nd American ​Transcontinental

1934 - Folk Singing Competition in Salzburg

Encouraged by the famous opera singer Lotte Lehmann, on September 1 & 2, 1934, the von Trapp family competed in a folk song competition attended to by audiences "filled beyond capacity" at the restaurant “Elektrischer Aufzug” (Elektic Elevator) on Moenchsberg Street, Salzburg, Austria. About 30 groups took part, competing in different categories. The von Trapp family won a prize in the multiple voice category. See 1934 newspaper article. As a result of their prize, the family was invited to sing on the radio several times during 1935. 

[NOTE: Although the competition took place in Salzburg,  it was not held at the famous summer Salzburg Festival as some sources have stated.] 







Married November 26: Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (47) & Baroness 'Gustl' Maria Augusta Kutschera* (22) married at the Nonnberg Abbey Church, in Salzburg, Austria. Gustl was 25 years younger; Georg's own parents had 19 years between them. The von Trapp children by Georg & Agathe, at the time, were Baron Rupert (17), Baroness Agathe (15), Baroness Maria (12), Baron Werner (13), Baroness Hedwig (11), Baroness Johanna (9) and Baroness Martina (7).​
*Gustl was the basis for the "Maria" character in "The Sound of Music", which was inspired by Gustl's 1949 book, "The Story of The Trapp Family Singers".

​1965 Hollywood Movie Version:

Similarities - Georg & Gustl did marry at the Nonnberg Abbey Church, in Salzburg, Austria.

Differences - Georg & Gustl married in 1927, not 1938.



Help Preserve & Share History

Photo: Courtesy of  Austrian National Library


No. of


 February 26, 1952, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Honolulu, Hawaii

No. of

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1951/1952 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.​
  • December 1951: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall, 12th Christmas program
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • January 1, 1952: California, USA - Television, California KRON-TV on Katie Smith Evening Show
  • January 16, 1952: Panther Valley, Pennsylvania, USA - Lansford High School Auditorium
  • January 17 or February 3, 1952: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA - St. Francis School Auditorium
  • February 8, 1952: Benefit Concert - for the Associated Catholic Charities
  • 1952 - Two weeks, Maui, Kauai, Hawaii, USA - performed for 13,200 people
  • February 26, 1952: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
  • February 29, 1952: Maui, Hawaii, USA - Baldwin High Auditorium
  • March 1, 1952: Hilo, Hawaii, USA - St. Joseph’s School
  • March 4, 10 & 11, 1952: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - McKinley Auditorium
  • March 9, 1952: Hawaii, USA - Dillingham Hall
  • March 20, 1952: Iowa, USA - Cornell College 
  • March 21, 1952: USA - King Memorial Chapel
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1952: Pope elevated Reverend Franz Wasner to Monsignor 
  • March 1952: Los Angeles, California, USA - Marymount College in Cantrell Hall
  • March 27, 1952: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA - Albuquerque High School Auditorium
  • April 1, 1952: Abilene, Texas, USA - Hardin, Simmons University
  • April 7, 1952: Texas, USA Barter Theater
  • April 9, 1952: Television - Kate Smith Evening Hour
  • July-August 1952: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 9th Trapp Family Music Camp



December 8, 1937, BBC Radio

London, United Kingdom



Music Before Touring

Photo: ©  ​​

 June 18, 1944, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Brooklyn, New York


Photo: © Georg & Agathe Foundation

Photo: ©


  • HISTORICAL REFERENCE 1954/1955 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • 1954/1955 Season Announcement: The message was sent out to their fans that there would be no 1955 summer camp, "... No Trapp Family Music Camp this summer -- we go to Australia and New Zealand!"
  • October 18 & 19, 1954: Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
  • October 20, 1954: Louisville, Kentucky, USA - New Albany High School
  • 1954: Salzburg, Austria - 3 concerts during the Festival.
  • October 29, 1954: Appleton, Wisconsin, USA Lawrence College
  • November 4, 1954: Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, USA - Shippensburg State Teachers College 
  • November 7, 1954: Summit, New Jersey, USA - Summit High School
  • November 11, 1954: Edmond Town Hall, Connecticut, USA
  • November 21, 1954: Burlington, Vermont, USA - Memorial Hall, benefit concert for King Church
  • December 7, 1954: Ramapo, White Plains, New York, USA - Suffern High School
  • December 8, 1954: Grantham, Pennsylvania, USA - Messiah College
  • December 13, 1954: Hazleton, Pennsylvania, USA - Hazelton High School Auditorium - benefit for Hazleton Mental Health, Inc.
  • December 14, 1954: New York, New York - Town Hall, 15th Christmas program
  • May 9, 1955: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - McKinley Auditorium
  • May 5, 1955: Chicago, Illinois, USA [unconfirmed]
  • May 15, 1955: San Francisco, California, USA [unconfirmed]
  • November 1955: Album - Yuletide Songs From The Trapp Family Singers 
  • 1955: Album An Evening Of Folk Songs With The Trapp Family Singers, Decca Records
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBB
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD


Key Events

Trapp Family and Rev. Dr. Franz Wasner

von Trapp Musicians and Musical Director


No. of


Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 

15th American 
​Trancontenential & 11th Music Camp

Photo: ©

​Opening Trapp Family Music Camp, Stowe, Vermont

July 28, 1944, Eau Claire Leader Newspaper

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

 July 22, 1945, The Cincinnati Enquirer

Cincinnati, Ohio​

Two Corrections: 1.) The family did not live in a "Castle"; they had lived in large house, known as Villa Trapp. They settled in Salzburg in 1925  2.) Salzburg is not in the Austrian area of "Tyrol".



Type of Music: "Early Music" 16th-18th Century motets and masses, folk songs in over a dozen languages, ballads and a Capellas, songs with recorder, viola da gamba, and spinet.

 *Previously Trapp Family Choir  from 1934-1940. / As Trapp Family Singers - Agathe, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Rosmarie and Maria August stayed with the group till the end in 1956. Rupert stopped touring in 1943 to serve in WWII and then to become a doctor, Johanna stopped touring in 1948 when she married, Martina tragically died in 1951 during childbirth, and Eleonore stopped touring in 1954 when she married.

November 28, 1948, The Courier-Journal

​Johannes von Trapp debuted in Louisville, Kentucky

No. of

TIMELINE: Professional Musicians (1936-1956)



Est. 100

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1945/1946 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1945: Europe - Near the end of WWII, Rupert von Trapp and Werner von Trapp, who were serving with the US Army, were able to visit their family's home in Salzburg, Austria that they departed eight years earlier. The American Military was occupying the home at the time of their visit from whom they learned that Nazi Heinrich Himmler had occupied their house previously during WWII. It two years before the family was given their property back, which they then sold in 1947.
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1945/1946: United States - Rupert von Trapp stopped touring to attend medical school in the US.
  • October 5, 1945: St. Jean, Québec, Canada
  • October 7, 1945: Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada
  • October 8, 1945: Arvida, Québec, Canada
  • October 9, 1945: Jonquiere, Québec, Canada
  • October 11, 1945: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
  • October 12, 1945: North Bay, Ontario, Canada
  • October 17, 1945: Fort William, Ontario, Canada
  • October 18, 1945: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • October 20, 1945: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • October 22, 1945: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • October 23, 1945: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • October 25, 1945: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • October 27, 1945: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • October 28, 1945: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • October 29, 1945: Renton, Washington, USA
  • October 30, 1945: Longview, Washington, USA
  • November 1, 1945: Centralia, Washington, USA
  • November 4, 1945: Portland, Oregon, USA
  • November 6, 1945: Pasco, Washington, USA
  • November 7, 1945: Walla Walla, Washington, USA
  • November 9, 1945: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA
  • November 12, 1945: Kalispell, Montana, USA
  • November 13, 1945: Shelby, Idaho, USA
  • November 14, 1945: Havre, Montana, USA
  • November 16, 1945: Livingston, Montana, USA
  • November 19, 1945: Sheridan, Montana, USA
  • November 21, 1945: Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA
  • November 23, 1945: North Platte, Nebraska, USA
  • November 26, 1945: Fort Madison, Nebraska, USA
  • November 28, 1945: Decorah, Iowa, USA 
  • December 2, 1945: La Grange, Illinois, USA 
  • December 3, 1945: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • December 4, 1945: Kalamazoo, Illinois, USA
  • December 5, 1945: Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • December 6, 1945: Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
  • December 7, 1945: Oak Park, Illinois, USA
  • December 8-9, 1945: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • December 10, 1945: Beckley, Illinois, USA
  • December 11, 1945: Waynesboro, Illinois, USA
  • December 12, 1945: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • December 13, 1945: Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA
  • December 14, 1945: Mt St Vincent, New Jersey, USA
  • December 15, 1945: Hunter, New York, USA
  • December 17, 1945: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • December 18, 1945: Greenwood, Pennsylvania, USA
  • December 19, 1945: Schenectady, New York, USA
  • December 20, 1945: Port Chester, New York, New York, USA 
  • December 22-23, 1945: New York, New York, USATown Hall, 6th Christmas program
  • December 27, 1945: Stowe, Vermont, USA
  • December 28, 1945: St. Johnsbury, Vermont, USA
  • January 26, 1946: Montreal, Québec, Canada
  • January 27, 1946: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • January 28, 1946: New Bury, Vermont, USA
  • January 29, 1946: Bath, New Hampshire, USA
  • February 1, 1946: Littleton, New Hampshire, USA
  • February 3, 1946: Taunton, New Hampshire, USA
  • February 4, 1946: New London, New Hampshire, USA
  • February 5, 1946: Springfield, New Hampshire, USA
  • February 6, 1946: Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA
  • February 9, 1946: Peekskill, New York, USA
  • February 10, 1946: West Point, New York, USA
  • February 11, 1946: Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA
  • February 12, 1946: Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • February 13, 1946: Jenkins, Pennsylvania, USA
  • February 14, 1946: Auburn, Pennsylvania, USA
  • February 15, 1946: Binghamton, New York, USA
  • February 18, 1946: Galion, Ohio, USA
  • February 19, 1946: La Porte, Indiana, USA
  • February 20, 1946: Princeton, Illinois, USA
  • February 22, 1946: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • February 25, 1946: Escanaba, Michigan, USA
  • February 26, 1946: Kohler, Wisconsin, USA
  • February 26, 1946: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA 
  • March 2, 1946: Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • March 4, 1946: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
  • March 7, 1946: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
  • March 8, 1946: Washington, Indiana, USA
  • March 11, 1946: Cape Girardeau, Indian, USA
  • March 12, 1946: Fayetteville, Illinois, USA
  • March 14, 1946: Eastland, Missouri, USA
  • March 15, 1946: Plainville, Illinois, USA
  • March 16, 1946: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
  • March 17, 1946: Las Cruces
  • March 20, 1946: Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA
  • March 21, 1946: Roswell, New Mexico, USA
  • March 22, 1946: Clovis, New Mexico, USA
  • March 25, 1946: Wichita Falls, Texas, USA
  • March 27, 1946: Orange, Texas, USA
  • March 29, 1946: Ruston, Louisiana, USA
  • March 30, 1946: Cleveland, Mississippi, USA
  • April 2, 1946: Auburn, Alabama, USA
  • April 3, 1946: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • April 4, 1946: Brunswick, Georgia, USA
  • April 8, 1946: Panama City, Florida, USA
  • April 11, 1946: Ocala, Florida, USA
  • April 16, 1946: Miami, Florida, USA - cancelled 
  • April 25-26, 1946: Havana, Cuba
  • April 28, 1946: Manzillo, Cuba
  • April 29, 1946: Saint de Cuba, Cuba
  • May 1, 1946: South Burlington, Vermont, USA
  • May 2, 1946: Rutland, Vermont, USA
  • July-August 1946: Stowe, Vermont, USA - 3rd Trapp Family Music Camp
  • Year 1946: Trapp Family Singers concert souvenir sales go toward Austrian relief efforts to send meals to post-WWII Austria with CARE.

Chorale Manager/Logistics: Georg von Trapp 
(1940-1947), Maria Kutschera von Trapp (1947-1956), and Monsignor Franz Wasner (1947-1956)

Musicians: First Soprano: Agathe von Trapp ('40-'56) and Johanna von Trapp ('40-'48); Second Soprano: Maria von Trapp ('40-'56), Eleonore von Trapp ('44-'48 & First Soprano '48-'54) and Rosmarie von Trapp ('44-'48); First Alto: Martina von Trapp ('40-'51) and Hedwig von Trapp ('40-'56); Second Alto: Maria Augusta Kutschera von Trapp ('40-'56); Tenor: Werner von Trapp ('40-'56) and Johannes von Trapp ('48-'56); Bass: Rupert von Trapp ('40-'43)
Musical Director & Composer: Monsignor Franz Wasner (1940-1956), also sang Bass and played the spinet

Concert Manager: Fredrick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  (1940-1955), through US Booking Association - Community Concert Organization

Publicist:  Alix B. Williamson (1940-1956)/previously with Trapp Family Choir  (1937-1940)


​​​Born February 8: Baroness 'Illi' Rosmarie von Trapp (b.1929, eighth child, sixth daughter) born in Salzburg, Austria to parents Georg & Gustl. Later, Illi was a member of the Trapp Family Singers; however, Illi is not represented in "The Sound of Music"​.

1965 Hollywood Movie Version:

Difference - In the movie, Georg & Gustl's character 'Maria', meet, marry & leave Austria between 1936 and 1938. However in real life, Georg & Gustl meet in 1926, marry in 1927, have two children in 1929 & 1930 and leave Austria, together with all the nine children, in 1938. In order for the movie to span less years, the movie timeline is shortened and therefore, Illi is not featured in the movie.

Sold 2nd Shipping Company - Rhein-Donau-Express: In 1921, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) founded his second merchant shipping enterprise the “Rhein-Donau-Express-Schiffahrt’s-A.G.” [1st company see year 1919, 2nd company see year 1921]. For nine years, Georg built up a successful and lucrative business, capturing so much of the Rhein and Donau shipping market that his fellow competitors bought him out.

1965 Hollywood Movie Version:

DifferenceSince the movie version takes place between 1936-1938, Georg's success with his shipping business is not featured as it takes place between 1919-1930, after his Naval career ends in 1918 due to the aftermath of WWI [see year 1918].

Born May 14: Baroness 'Lorli' Eleonore von Trapp(b.1931 ninth child, seventh daughter) born in Salzburg, Austria to parents Georg & Gustl. Later, Lorli was a member of the Trapp Family Singers; however, Lorli is not represented in "The Sound of Music".

​1965 Hollywood Movie Version: 

Difference:  In the movie, Georg & Gustl's character 'Maria', meet, marry & leave Austria between 1936 and 1938. However in real life, Georg & Gustl meet in 1926, marry in 1927, have two children in 1929 & 1930 and leave Austria in 1938, together with all the nine children. In order for the movie to span less years, the movie timeline is shortened and therefore, Lorli is not featured in the movie.

Spring High School Graduation & United Kingdom Trip: As a high school graduation gift, Baron Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947) sent his two eldest, Rupert (19) and Agathe (18), to the United Kingdom. It was to visit to their Great-uncle 'Bertie' Robert Bovil Whitehead (1867-1945)* and his wife, 'Rosie' Rosalie Emily Lecky Phelps (1872-1941). While there they, also visited their Great-aunt the Honorable Maria Cecilia Broderick (####-####); unfortunately, her husband & the von Trapps Great-Uncle 'Bede' Sir James Beethom Whitehead (1858-1928)* had passed away a few years earlier. *Sons to British engineer Robert Whitehead (1823-1905), the inventor of the underwater, self-propelled torpedo [see year 1905] and Uncles to their mother Agathe Whitehead (1891-1920).

1965 Hollywood Movie Version: N/A not mentioned in the movie


Key Events

"They are most heavily booked single attraction in the country."

 July 24, 1946, The Berkshire Eagle




November 14, 1952, The Advocate Messenger

Danville, Kentucky

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1940/1941 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  Tour Manager was Frederick (Freddy C.) Schang of Columbia Concerts  and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 1940: West Coast, USA Tour - 3 to 4 week tour
  • 1940: Denver, Colorado, USA
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • Concert Location: TBD
  • December 14 & 21 1940: New York, New York, USA Town Hall 1st Christmas program. Their Christmas program becomes an annual tradition for the next 15 years.
  • December 1940: Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Jordan Hall
  • December 1940: Washington, District of Columbia, USA - Performed at the White House. They sang for First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. She noted in her news column, "I don't think I ever heard 'Silent Night' more beautifully sung."
  • June 26, 1941: New York, New York, USA - RCA Victor Records 4th professional recording session, recorded 5 songs at The Academy of Music, Philadelphia.  Later Conductor Robert Shaw would call them, "the greatest chorale group in the history of recorded sound".
  • 1941 Release: Bach Chorales - 4x10", 78 rpm album set released. Victor M-713, RCA Victor Red Seal DM-713, Matrix Nos: 2113-2116. Sopranos: Agathe von Trapp, Johanna von Trapp; Mezzo-sopranos: Maria von Trapp, Martina von Trapp; Altos: Maria Kutschera von Trapp, Hedwig von Trapp; Tenor: Werner von Trapp; Basses: Rupert von Trapp, Franz Wasner. 


We are singing on the radio, Vienna, Friday, December 6, 1935 (5:30 PM)
1. Violin………………………………………………………………….Georg v. Trapp
2. Violin……………….………………………………………….…….Martina v. Trapp
Viola……………………………………………………………….……… Maria v. Trapp
Cello………………………………………………………………....….Werner v. Trapp
Lute………………………………………………………………….……Agathe v. Trapp
Recorder………………………………………………………………..Hedwig v. Trapp

Songs of a bygone Time, sung and played by the v. Trapp Family under
the direction of Dr. Franz Wasner


Est. 100

  • HISTORIC REFERENCE 1938/1939 Season: The Trapp Family Singers  US Tour Manager was Charles Wagner and Publicist Alix B. Williamson.
  • October 21, 1938: Easton, Pennsylvania, USA - Lafayette College, Colton Memorial Chapel (1st concert in America)
  • October 28, 1938: Wilmington, Delaware, USA - University of Delaware, Mitchell Hall 
  • 1938: Canton, New Jersey, USA
  • 1938: Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  • 1938: Roanoke, Virginia, USA
  • 1938: Hartsville, South Carolina, USA
  • 1938: Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA
  • 1938: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
  • 1938: Springfield, Ohio USA
  • 1938: Toledo, Ohio, USA
  • 1938: Birmingham, Alabama, USA
  • 1938: Peoria, Illinois, USA
  • 1938: Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • 1938: Bloomington, Indiana, USA
  • 1938: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
  • November 25, 1938: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - Philadelphia Forum, Academy of Music
  • December 2, 1938: Lexington, Kentucky, USA - Artist Concert Series, Henry Clay High School Auditorium 
  • December 9, 1938: Jackson, Tennessee, USA - Artist Concert Series - MacDowell Music Club, Powell Chapel
  • December 10, 1938: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall
  • December 20, 1938: New York, New York, USA - Town Hall
  • December 16-22, 1938: New York, New York, USA RCA Victor Records, 1st professional recording session, recorded 24 songs. Later, Conductor Robert Shaw would call the family musicians, "the greatest chorale group in the history of recorded sound".
  • March 1939: Record & Singles, released in USA and Canada 
  • March 12, 1939: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • March - July 1939: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and The Netherlands (June) -Estimated 56 concert performances
  • HISTORIC REFERENCE September 1939: Sweden - The family was in Sweden when Hitler invaded Poland and WWII began.  Georg was able to again arrange safe passage for his family back to America for another US tour.
  • September 11, 1939: Stockholm, Sweden - Radio program
  • September 12, 1939: Uppsala, Sweden - Uppsala Cathedral
  • September 13, 1939: Sigtuna Church, Sweden - St. Mary's Church
  • September 14, 1939: Stockholm, Sweden - Borga School
  • September 17, 1939: Stockholm, Sweden - St. Jacobs Church
  • September 18, 1939: Drottningholm, SwedenDrottningholm Palace Theatre
  • September 21, 1939: Mora, Sweden - Mora Church
  • September 22, 1939: Falun, Sweden - Public school auditorium
  • September 24, 1939: Vikmannshyttan, Sweden
  • September 25, 1939: Kristinehamn, Sweden - School auditorium 
  • September 26, 1939: Karlstad, Sweden

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Key Events

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April 10, 1946, The Miami News

Miami, Florida

Photo: ©  ​​

December 2, 1940, Burlington Free Press

​Burlington, Vermont

Date & Location: [NOTE - Not All Concerts Listed] 



1937 - Wiener Saal Music Hall

Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria





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Photo: ©
​October 21, 1937, Macon Chronicle-Herald

Macon, Missouri​

​The family initially had the hope of raising enough money with their first US tour to buy a boat and sail around the world, possibility settling in Australia. But WWII ended those plans. ​Two Corrections: 1.) Franz Wasner was a Reverend, but also wrote for a Salzburg Church paper 2.) It was Lotte Lehmann that first encouraged the family to sing publicly.

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5th American ​Transcontinental &

1st Music Camp 





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Photo: ©  ​​







Photo: Courtesy of von Trapp family


1941, Filing for US citizenship

1936, von Trapp Childern

 Salzburg, Austria

Eleonore and Rosmarie von Trapp

Debut their recorder solo at NY Town Hall 1941
