Preserve History:

Collecting Stories and Items
​Related to the Trapp Family Musicians, Trapp Family Music Camp, Trapp Family Artists, and Trapp Family Austrian Relief, Inc.​.

FREE: Updates and history trivia

Artistic Legacy
In honor of the family's artistic accomplishments, we support music and art programs by donating to organizations making an impact.

Continuing the Legacy

Our projects are in memory of the family's artistic and humanitarian legacies, which support our mission to give-back  and preserve history.

© 2015-2022 Stichting Georg & Agathe Foundation, parent nonprofit to All rights reserved.

Netherlands KvK-nummer 63503336 | Terms of use and disclaimer

Global Cultural Phenomena

Share your memories and experiences with the play and movie, The Sound of Music.​

Humanitarian Legacy

Inspired by Trapp Family Austrian Relief Inc.'s  post-WWII aid assistance, we donate to organizations helping displaced people globally.

Give back:


 Celebrating the von Trapp musicians who inspired the musical The Sound of Music